

2021年3月22日 - 8分钟阅读


当有机会给新建的房间命名时 Borl和-Manske中心, retired Los Angeles City firefighter Mark Howell 和 his wife Lauri chose to honor numerous people who contributed to their faith 和 love of 音乐.

路德教会的教育极大地丰富了我的生活, 所以我们感到很荣幸能够这样做,劳里说。. “We are ordinary people God has blessed — we didn’t start a company 和 we’re not mega-wealthy — but as we come into our older years we have some money to do some wonderful things. 这完全是上帝的旨意.”

Lauri’s gr和father, a Lutheran minister, immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1904. 劳里和她的两个兄弟一生都在路德教会学校上学. 

“我一直很, 深受路德教教育的祝福,对路德教会充满热情,劳里说。. “路德教会的教育是我生命中最重要的方面之一.” 

She credits Lutheran High School in Los Angeles especially for her passion for Christian education. 

“这很特别,”她说. “Those were the happiest times with the finest people 和 has really contributed to my faith. 我仍然和我二年级的老师说话. 我还和学校里的几位老师保持着联系.” 

其中一位老师是艺术家杰拉尔德·布罗默, Lauri’s art teacher 和 academic advisor when she served as editor of the high school yearbook. 

Lutheran education enriched my life beyond measure, 所以我们感到很荣幸能够这样做.

“我一直和杰拉尔德保持联系,直到他11月去世,”劳里说. “我把他当作朋友,就像许多上路德高中的人一样.” 

马克出生并成长在洛杉矶的一个消防员家庭, 并跟随父亲的脚步,成为一名城市消防员,职业生涯长达38年. 马克在中南部的一个消防站当工程师, 然后在洛杉矶的一艘救火船上呆了22年.A. 港站. 

“We responded to lot of industrial accidents because the equipment is so big 和 t在这里 are thous和s of trucks, 火车和轮船进进出出,他说. “港口不会发生那么多火灾, 但你做了很多物理救援, 溺水, 卡车意外驶进码头.” 

The harbor fire station — built on the water with an attached boat house — hosts a 76-foot fire boat which can pump 12,每分钟1000加仑的水, 远远超过了一辆普通消防车的能力. 

仍然, 纯粹为了刺激, Mark enjoyed the assignment in South Central w在这里 he responded to many building fires, 参与了“很多拯救生命的行动”, 生了三个孩子, 一个在出租车后座." 




“T在这里 are times when you’re confronted with something w在这里 t在这里’s no supervision 和 you have to make a decision fast,他说. “你不能等着别人给你下命令. 你必须自我激励、自律,并在两者之间取得平衡. 你 adapt at the moment 和 invent ways of doing something like getting someone down a ladder or out of a room.” 

One incident — a gasoline explosion at close range — could have taken his life within months of marrying Lauri. 他和他的一个伙伴在扑灭一场车库火灾时,那里储存的汽油爆炸了.

“The fireball was huge 和 I could see it coming at me from ten feet away,” Mark recalls. “你什么也做不了. 我们试图倒地,但你被抓住了. 当爆炸离你那么近的时候,你是逃不掉的.”

那时的防护装备要原始得多, 马克脸上暴露的部分被二级烧伤, wrists 和 ankles; but he was otherwise unharmed. Surprisingly, Lauri — who was just 21 years old — wasn’t shaken when she got the 3 a.m. 消防队长敲门,告诉他马克受伤的消息.

“我们结婚三个月了, 这让我觉得, 是的, 他随时都可能死去, 但我从中获得了力量,而不是变得害怕,她说。.

Facing the risk of his profession at such a young age forced her to make peace with what could 发生, 这在他的职业生涯中对她很有帮助, 她说.

那是在1997年, 劳里的母亲去世的时候, that she found herself shaken 和 sensing a need to reconnect with her faith after some years away from church.

“I felt t在这里 was something missing in my life 和 I started going back to church,她说。. “我真的很渴望重新联系.”

起初, she watched Christian television 和 listened to Christian radio 项目 when Mark wasn’t t在这里. 后来,她开始在他值班的时候去教堂做礼拜.

“我有点尴尬,”她承认. “说实话,我真的不知道我身上发生了什么. 有一天我告诉了马克, "你上班的时候我要去教堂,’他说他想去,这让我很吃惊, 太. 这成了我们寻找教堂的旅程.他们一起开始拜访当地的教会.

“I said, ‘I am going to every Lutheran church within a half hour of us,’劳里说。 with a laugh. “重新发现我的路德神学是一次奇妙的拓宽. 作为一个成年人,它有了更大的意义. 我非常非常渴望听到上帝的话语.”

She also developed what she calls “Lutheran radar” as a result of running into an inexplicable number of Lutheran friends in that time period. “I would run into someone I went to school with, or someone who knew somebody,她说。. “是上帝把我放在这些位置上的.” 

在他们参观的一个教堂里,劳里听到一个熟悉的声音. 杆Rosenbladt称, who she recognized from the White Horse Inn radio program of which she had become a regular listener. 在同一座教堂里,豪厄尔夫妇遇到了许多CUI的教员, staff 和 students 和 began attending Christmas concerts on campus 和 concerts throughout the year. 

“马克和我都非常喜欢古典音乐和合唱, 而康科迪亚在这方面做得很出色,她说。. “我们太兴奋了. 我们想,世界一流的音乐就在我们家门口.”

他们还参加了 崔永元的星光晚会捐赠和拍卖物品. 随着时间的推移,他们感觉自己是康考迪亚大学欧文分校社区的一部分. 

“It was the quality of people, such integrity, such solid Christians,劳里说。. “他们对自己做的每件事都有很高的标准. The way they present themselves, the kindness, the thoroughness, the high quality.” 

Mark 和 I are very fond of classical 音乐 和 choral 音乐, 而康科迪亚在这方面做得很出色.

豪厄尔斯的 were eager to support the Borl和-Manske中心 as it greatly improved 和 exp和ed 肯考迪娅’s facilities for 音乐神学 项目.

“我们很高兴能成为BMC的一部分,”劳里说. “上公立大学, 我看到了基督教教育和公共教育之间的巨大差异. My e是的 were opened to the value of being taught from a Christ-centered worldview. 这是一个非常非常大的区别.” 

豪厄尔夫妇选择用劳里儿时的钢琴老师的名字来命名一个房间, an old German immigrant who 太k Lauri to concerts 和 instilled in her a love for fine 音乐. 

“Having that connection with classical 音乐 is one of the best parts of my life,劳里说。. “我看到了一个练习钢琴的工作室,就想,‘我想让Mrs. 这上面有埃克斯纳的名字.“她有很多像我一样爱她的学生.另一间以她父母名字命名的音乐室, 他们还支持了基督学院翼楼的两个房间, 以劳里的祖父和他在神学院最好的朋友的名字命名, 亨利•施密特, 他在洛杉矶创立了路德教会, 包括圣. 保罗在北好莱坞的第一间路德教会. 杰拉尔德·布罗默是圣. 保罗工作了四十多年. 

“我思考谁对我来说是重要的,谁丰富了我的生活, 有些人突然出现在我的脑海里,我们想向他们致敬,劳里说。.

Today, Mark is an active volunteer at two fire station museums, in Hollywood 和 San Pedro. 他创造了一个迷人的陈列柜,展示旧潜水装备等物品, 火喷嘴, rescue gear 和 more — much of it donated from his extensive private collection of antique fire equipment. 博物馆拥有两辆1923年的消防车,有漂亮的黄铜和金色的叶子, 这两件事都有可能引发火灾, 尽管他们大多是列队行进. 好莱坞博物馆有一个马拉的蒸笼和蒸汽泵. “它们看起来就像50或80年前的车站,”马克说. 

At the harbor location, Mark 和 a team are restoring a 100-foot-long fire-boat from 1925. 他们也会带很多来自养老院的孩子和团体来参观. 

“孩子们真的很喜欢,”马克说. “当他们出现时,他们真的疯了,因为到处都是火. We are all volunteer retired firemen who love the job, 和 this is a way to contribute.” 

我思考谁对我来说是重要的,谁丰富了我的生活, 有些人突然出现在我的脑海里,我们想向他们致敬.

豪厄尔夫妇将私人博物馆之旅捐赠给 崔永元的星光晚会. 乔恩·霍华德04, 发展副主任, 说康科迪亚很感谢豪厄尔夫妇在晚会上的合作, 在制作 Borl和-Manske中心 发生. 

“马克和劳里·豪厄尔对路德教会的事工有着一颗不可思议的心. They see the importance of 音乐 和 ministry to a growing University,” Howard says. “They have designated a vast majority of their estate to support several Lutheran organizations. I’m honored that 肯考迪娅 Irvine is one of them 和 excited to welcome them as the newest members of our 大使命协会. They want to make sure that their gifts continue to benefit students for a long time.” 

豪厄尔斯的, who now attend Light of Christ Lutheran Church in Irvine 和 continue to enjoy operas 和 live 音乐 by Beethoven, 威尔第和其他喜爱的作曲家, say they consider it “such an incredible honor to be involved in this way 和 pass on a Lutheran legacy. It’s not our legacy but a legacy of Lutherans 和 those people who have gone before us.” 



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