
S2 E5:宪法:关于宪法消亡的谣言被过分夸大了

2021年10月23日 - 4分钟阅读

我们为崔的宪法周做关于宪法的主题演讲, 由乔艾伦·查塔姆带头, 民政事务总署署长 康考迪亚大学公民教育中心,与历史与政治思想系合作. 演讲者是尊敬的安德鲁·J. 吉尔福德, 谁被任命为加州中区的美国地方法院法官, 南方分裂, 自7月7日起任职于奥兰治县, 2006. 他曾担任第九巡回上诉法院和联邦巡回上诉法院法官, 是专利试点项目法官.

在成为地区法官之前, 安德鲁·吉尔福德是Sheppard Mullin Richter律师事务所的一名商业诉讼律师 & 在汉普顿工作了30多年, 处理涉及各种问题的案件, 特别是在知识产权方面, 不公平竞争, 金融, 以及职业责任. 他还担任过奥兰治县高等法院的仲裁员和临时法官.

作为加州大学洛杉矶分校的摄政亚洲体育博彩平台. 吉尔福德于1972年以优异成绩获得经济学学士学位, 还被选为优等生兄弟会成员. 1975年,他在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得法学博士学位,并担任加州大学洛杉矶分校法律评论的副主编. 在法学院期间, 他曾是莱斯特·罗斯法官的实习生,也曾是杰西·杜卡米尼尔教授的研究助理.

1992年,吉尔福德被选为美国出庭律师学院的会员. He was recognized five times by the Daily Journal as one of California's Top 100 Attorneys; listed as one of 50 "Best Lawyers in Orange County"; listed in "Best Lawyers in America"; selected as a "Southern California Super Lawyer" three times; selected as a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation; and honored by the following groups with different awards: the OC Trial Lawyers Association as Business Litigation Trial Lawyer of the Year; the University of California, Irvine as a “True Founder” of its law school; the Orange County Bar Association with its Franklin G. West Award for lifetime achievement; the 司法委员会 with its Bernard E. Witkin Amicus Curiae Award; the Anti-Defamation League with its Jurisprudence Award; the J. 鲁本·克拉克协会和J. Reuben Clark Award; the Orange County Asian American Bar Association with its Judicial Excellence Award; the Hispanic Bar Association as Judge of the Year; the LAIPLA with its Distinguished Public Service Award; the Orange County Federal Bar Association with its Judge Alicemarie H. Stotler Award; the Orange County Intellectual Property Law Association with its Distinguished Judge Award; and the Markey Inn of Court by naming its annual award after him.

吉尔福德’s professional activities include serving as the President of the State Bar of California (1999- 2000); the President of the Orange County Bar Association (1991); the Chair of its Business Litigation Section (1983) and the Chair of its State Bar Conference Delegation (1986-1987); a founder and President of the Howard T. Markey Intellectual Property American Inn of Court; a lawyer representative to the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference (1990-1992, 1999-2001); a Founding Officer and President of the Association of Business Trial Lawyers of Orange County; and serving on the Board of Directors for the Federal Bar Association (2001-present); the Founding Dean’s Advisory Council for the UCI School of Law (2007-present); the Board of Visitors for the Chapman University School of Law; the State Bar Commission on the Future of the State Bar (1993-1995); and the Supreme Court’s Advisory Task Force on Multi-Jurisdictional Practice. 2011 - 2017年, 应美国首席大法官的要求, 他曾在美国联邦调查局行为准则委员会任职.S. 司法委员会.

他致力于社区服务,并大力倡导为贫困人口提供志愿法律服务, 吉尔福德从2004年到2006年担任公法中心总裁,从2008年到2013年担任国家律师委员会司法救助委员会主席,以及司法委员会自我代理诉讼人工作组主席, 并获得了事务所的年度公益律师奖, 州律师协会主席无偿服务奖, 以及贫困法律中心杰出服务奖.

吉尔福德就司法系统的各种主题写了许多文章. 他最近的一篇文章是Andrew J. 吉尔福德 & 乔尔·马洛德:《亚洲体育博彩平台》,164美国. Pa. L. 牧师. 281 (2015). 他在加州大学欧文分校法学院担任兼职教授,并在知识产权等各种主题的继续法律教育项目中任教,分享了他多年的法律经验, 试验策略, 道德与专业, multijurisdictional实践, 民事诉讼程序, 以及法律写作. 他是The Rutter Group's Federal Civil Procedure Before Trial的特约编辑.

安迪喜欢谈论政治、历史和体育. 为了好玩, 安迪拍照, 旅行, 读历史, 遵循体育, 和他的孙子们一起玩, 打网球和篮球. 他心目中的英雄是温斯顿·丘吉尔, 他希望有一天能看到莫里·威尔斯入选棒球名人堂.
