

谢谢你申请领导力教育 & Development (LEAD) Program in the Center for 学生领导 and Development (CSLD). Being a LEAD Coordinator requires a tremendous amount of dedication to providing excellent service and programming to the student population 在欧文的康考迪亚大学.

申请必须在下午4:30之前完成并提交.m. 2024年2月16日,星期五. 在你提交申请之后, you will receive an email to sign up for a group and an individual interview, 从星期一开始, 2月19日, 2024.


  • LEAD Coordinators are required to attend the All 学生领导 Kick-off Night on Friday, April 5, 2024下午5时至6时30分(地点待定).
  • LEAD Coordinators must be available to return to campus for fall student leadership training and participate in all WOW activities from Sunday, 8月16日, 2024 -星期天, August 18, 2024年(可能会有变化).
  • LEAD Coordinators must be available to return to campus for spring student leadership training on Friday, 1月3日, 2025年(可能会有变化)参加春季迎新.
  • LEAD Coordinators are required to attend LEAD Team Huddles that will take place on Wednesdays from 10:30-11:00 am during the fall and spring semester, 2023-2024年(时间可能会有变化).
  • LEAD Coordinators will meet weekly as a group and individually with their designated supervisor.
  • LEAD Coordinators are responsible for working 10 hours on average per week.
  • LEAD Coordinators will work as a team together to put on quality events that will serve the student body.

You may indicate your preference for which LEAD area in which you would like to serve, however you will be placed according to the needs of the LEAD program. If you have any questions regarding the position, please do not hesitate to contact me at (949) 214-3048,或电邮至 (电子邮件保护).

学生生活主任 & 领导力发展


The Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program was created to engage the students of 欧文康考迪亚大学 in programs that will enhance the campus, 社区, 和世界. 每学年期间, we select students through an application process who would like to serve in a specific LEAD area.

牵头协调员可在七个不同领域工作. 这些包括:

  • 肯考迪娅关心
  • 校内的
  • 学生活动
  • 亨特协调员


  • Implement programs, events and activities 在欧文的康考迪亚大学.
  • Develop opportunities and enriching experiences for the student body to be engaged in the campus and Orange County 社区, 培养彼此之间的关系, 投资大学, 并加强他们的自我意识.
  • Maintain a standard of excellence, leadership, academic and spiritual maturity.

资格 & 需求

作为LEAD项目的学生干部, the LEAD Coordinator is expected to handle his/her responsibilities maturely, 以专业的精神, 并在任职期间表现出模范行为.

The LEAD Coordinator must have excellent communication skills and the ability to relate to a diverse student population. 组织能力也很重要, 快速学习的能力也是如此, 多任务, 给出明确的指示, 并及时有效地解决问题. LEAD Coordinators should be enthusiastic students of the University as well as positive Christian role models. In addition, LEAD Coordinators must be able to relate well with students and CUI faculty/staff. LEAD Coordinators should be comfortable working independently and as a part of the LEAD and student leadership team. 有活动策划经验者优先,但不是必需的.


  • 积极的基督徒榜样
  • 负责任的
  • 需要主动
  • 完整性
  • 舒适的称呼组
  • 与不同性格类型的人相处的能力
  • Flexible
  • Perseverance, dedication and a sense of humor when encountering inevitable challenges
  • 作为领导者和团队成员与他人密切合作的能力
  • 领导能力
  • 承诺


  • 理解并相信领导计划的目标.
  • Complete at least 24 credit hours (full-time student status) by the end of the current spring semester 在欧文的康考迪亚大学. Members must be full-time students (at least 12 units per semester).
  • 保持良好状态,保持至少2分.受聘时的累积平均绩点为5分.
  • 必须保持2.在职期间平均绩点达到75分
  • Enroll in INT 105 for the Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 semester (or already completed a previous semester)
  • Return to 欧文康考迪亚大学 for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.
  • 在前面提到的所有日期和时间都有空.
  • May not hold any other student leadership position 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 unless otherwise approved by the supervisor.
  • 所有外部工作或职位必须得到主管的批准. Any outside job or position must not come into direct conflict with the responsibilities of the LEAD position. (Do NOT make any personal plans during LEAD training, WOW, and Spring Orientation).

责任 & 描述

政府的职责 康考迪亚关怀协调员 are to:

  • 管理志愿者在校外到当地非营利组织的旅行
  • Recruit students, staff, and faculty to participate in volunteer projects
  • Educate the campus on issues of poverty and inequality in Orange County
  • Work with Marketing Coordinator to thoroughly promote upcoming 肯考迪娅关心 events
  • Schedule and coordinate volunteer opportunities with local non-profits
  • 全面宣传即将举办的活动

政府的职责 校内的协调员 应是:

  • 获得所有校内活动的报名
  • 选择和安排一年的校内活动
  • 雇佣、培训和安排裁判员和记分员
  • 协调工作学习的学生担任裁判员, scorekeepers and first responders and determine their work schedules.
  • 参加所有的校内比赛
  • 每周记录球队和赛后结果
  • 计划和协调每个项目的冠军赛
  • 确保校内活动的安全环境
  • 全面宣传即将到来的校内活动

政府的职责 学生活动协调员 are to:

  • 参加参与博览会
  • 计划和协调所有返校活动,包括, 但不限于, 精神周, dance, 周末活动(与校友关系合作), ASCUI, 和尖叫的鹰)
  • 计划和协调每月的活动,包括沙滩狂欢, 手提箱宾果, 秋天的节日, 幼儿园的一天, 摇滚安培, 以及其他校园活动
  • 全面宣传即将举办的活动


  • 计划,执行和营销狩猎猎物日活动 & competitions in collaboration with RES, 校内的, and 学生活动
  • Serve as the official Hunt scorekeeper and track of stamp card rewards and distribution
  • 与崔田径合作, 建立激励机制, 半场, pre-game, and post-game events to encourage attendance at predetermined sporting events
  • Run the Hunt social Media account and Hunt app page keeping all pages up to date and accurate
  • 作为狩猎的官方形象, appearing in all videos and promotional materials and hyping up the competitions to students
  • Oversee the recruitment and operations of the Flight Club student section
  • Recruit Hunt ambassadors from each team to serve on the Hunt Committee




For questions about the LEAD Coordinator positions, please contact:


学生生活主任 & 领导力发展
(949) 214-3048


