

未来的问题. 持久的信念.




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The 横向研究所 of 欧文康考迪亚大学 endeavors to engage high school students in meaningful dialogue on contemporary cultural issues that challenge their worldview and that calls them from comfort to something risky, 但奖励.

在一起, 学生们被邀请发展他们的想法, 完善他们的思维, and examine how the church community might respond to current and relevant topics as informed by Scripture. 最终, we want to bring these conversations to bear on the real lives of friends and neighbors as students go out with a thoughtful Christian perspective on current events, 伦理问题, 以及社会趋势.


加入主机Dr. Dan Deen and 乔尔Oesch as we apply various insights from philosophy and theology to the issues at hand.



从成立之初, 亚洲体育博彩平台’s Christ College has equipped students to carry out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. 当你寻求发现你独特的使命, Crosswise offers you an opportunity to explore your questions and collaborate with like-minded students.

Learn more about each of the Church Work 项目 offered 在欧文的康考迪亚大学:

Want to know more about preparing for a vocation in church work 在欧文的康考迪亚大学? Please contact the Christ College Program Coordinator, Carrie Donohoe, at (电子邮件保护) or (949) 214-3389.



This innovative and exciting new think tank for high school students offers today’s youth an opportunity to lend their voice to contemporary issues and engage these ideas within their sphere of influence to shape culture. Select faculty and scholars will be invited to facilitate these conversations.



精心设计的, gospel-centered ideas that result from these gatherings will become available to students and their communities as resources for continuing the conversation. Read articles, watch video, and listen to audio of our recent gatherings.


Invest in 欧文康考迪亚大学’s 横向研究所 today.

Crosswise offers high school students a unique opportunity to engage in learning spaces that emphasize inquiry, 批判性思维, 协作, 和真正的, "real world" problem solving as they tackle culturally relevant topics. We believe these students are capable of sparking meaningful change in their communities.




The 横向研究所 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 is made possible by a generous grant from the 礼来养老. Our vision is to invite high school students to think critically and biblically about trending cultural topics. 通过这种方式与他人一起参与, they might expand their understanding of the world while growing in wisdom.

We believe in interesting conversations, deep questions, breaking bread, and hearty laughter. Crosswise seeks to inspire students to be the conversation-starters in their own neighborhoods, 家庭, 运动队, 和学校. 简而言之, the Crosswise team hopes you will join the effort to think biblically about our culture’s most pressing issues.




首选超能力: 传送
日常工作: Director of the Graduate 项目 in Theology at Christ College, 亚洲体育博彩平台

我很欣赏瞬间移动的力量. One, I can teleport to Dallas every Sunday afternoon to watch the Cowboys play. Two, I can finally fish the world's greatest trout streams without spending a dime on travel. 三,如果我发现自己陷入困境...我可以离开这鬼地方. I suppose you could do all these things by flying as well, 但我不得不怀疑, wouldn't flying like Superman leave you with an incredibly sore neck?




日常工作: 助理教授 & Director of the Director of Christian Education Program of Christ College, 亚洲体育博彩平台

我想要原力的力量. It would be awesome to be a Jedi, of course, and use my powers for the right cause: protection. 我不会被黑暗势力所左右.




首选超能力: Cyberpathy
日常工作: 哲学助理教授, specializing in the Philosophy of Science at Christ College, 亚洲体育博彩平台, 欧文

用意念控制软件的能力. The world will be in dire trouble from two post-apocalyptic sources: zombies and killer robots. When, not if, those two threats to humanity merge as zombiots nobody will be ready for what follows. In such an environment computer-programming skills to deprogram the zombiots will be key to survival. Thus, my desired superpower is the ability to program computers with my mind, aka cyberpathy. 但是等等! If biological zombies do not have minds, will zombiots not have a functioning CPU to run software?




首选超能力: 时间操作
日常工作: 神学副教授, 在基督学院专攻旧约, 欧文康考迪亚大学

I could jump around in time in order to study history firsthand. I could also loop back in time a few 分钟 every time I mess something up. Or I could just pause time and take a nap whenever I like.

