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On March 13, 2020, 3月1日,美国总统宣布全国进入COVID-19疫情紧急状态, 2020. On March 27, 2020, the President signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

On April 9, 2020, 德沃斯部长宣布,将为那些生活和教育受到冠状病毒爆发影响的大学生提供直接紧急现金资助. 教育部已经从 Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) created in the CARES Act.

As a Concordia University Irvine student, 你可能有资格获得联邦政府提供给大学的紧急拨款. The amount provided to the university is limited to $861,799美元,将根据学生完整的关怀法案申请发放.

符合条件的学生现在可以根据《博彩平台推荐》申请紧急补助金. Please complete the application and return to [email protected] with any documentation you want our staff to review. 6月1日的申请截止日期已经延长,直到资金耗尽.

Non-eligible: 3月13日报名参加网络课程的学生, 2020, are not eligible to receive emergency grants. 国际学生和DACA学生也被排除在紧急助学金之外.

Eligible students:必须符合第四章资格要求,才能获得HEERF紧急补助金. 拥有官方的2019- 2020年FAFSA记录确定学生有资格参加学生援助计划并符合所有适用的资格要求.

大学将在收到所有申请后进行审查,并核实学生的资格是否符合联邦政府发放紧急补助金的指导方针. To expedite receipt of funds, we recommend students sign up for direct deposit and/or verify that your mailing address is accurate in MyRecords.

CARES Act Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CARES Act?

The Coronavirus Aid, 救济和经济安全法案拨款支持个人, 受COVID-19大流行和经济衰退影响的全国企业和组织. 该法案包括高校的几个资金来源, including the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.


The Coronavirus Aid, 美国国会通过了《博彩平台推荐》,并将其签署为法律,为应对COVID-19提供经济救济. 《博彩平台推荐》的一部分设立了高等教育紧急救济基金,该基金向学校捐款,为生活和教育受到冠状病毒爆发影响的大学生提供直接的紧急现金资助.

Do I need to apply for emergency grants?

符合条件的学生现在可以根据《博彩平台推荐》申请紧急补助金. Please complete the application and return to [email protected] with any documentation you want our staff to review. 6月1日的申请截止日期已经延长,直到资金耗尽.

Are international students eligible for the Cares Act?

No. The U.S. Department of Education clarified on Tuesday, April 21 that CARES Act funding is not available to international students.

Are DACA or undocumented students eligible for the Cares Act?

No. The U.S. Department of Education clarified on Tuesday, April 21 《博彩平台推荐》的资金不适用于DACA或无证学生.


No. The U.S. Department of Education clarified on Tuesday, April 21 《博彩平台推荐》的资金并不适用于专门参加在线课程的学生.

How much emergency grant can I request?

The emergency cash grant can vary from $200 to $1000. 我们将审核收到的申请,并根据学生所陈述的费用分配资金. Funds are limited.

How will students receive funds?

To expedite receipt of funds, we recommend students sign up for direct deposit and/or verify that your mailing address is accurate in MyRecords.

Are there enrollment requirements?

Yes. 您必须在2020年春季注册,并且至少注册了一半的时间(3个单元的研究生和6个单元的本科生)才能被考虑为CARES法案紧急拨款.

Will emergency cash grants be applied to my current Spring 2020 bill?

No. The CARES Act Grant funding cannot be paid towards your bill. 这些资金将通过直接存款或通过USPS邮寄支票直接支付给您. Once you receive the funds, you can then use them as you see fit. 这些资金用于支付因冠状病毒导致校园运营中断的相关费用.

Do students have to repay CARES Act emergency grants?

No. CARES Act emergency grants are a grant from the federal government. It is not a student loan and does not have to be repaid.

Will CARES Act funds be taxable income for students?

No. The Treasury Department on Thursday, May 7, 发布了关于通过冠状病毒援助向学生提供的紧急赠款资金的可征税性的额外指导, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) stated, in an FAQ document,这些提供给学生的应急资金将不算作应税收入. “根据《博彩平台推荐》为意外开支提供紧急财政援助, unmet financial need, 或因COVID-19大流行而导致校园运营中断的相关费用……是《博彩平台推荐》第139条规定的合格救灾支付. This grant is not includible in your gross income," the IRS stated. 虽然这些资金不征税,但它们将包括在你的2020日历年的1098-T上.

Funding & Expenditure Reporting

Under the CARES Act, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校已收到(或预计收到)1美元,723,598美元通过高等教育紧急救济基金提供的资金, 并签署并返回了所需的确认书,承诺将不少于50%的紧急拨款直接提供给那些生活和教育受到冠状病毒爆发影响的学生.

根据《博彩平台推荐》第18004(a)(1)条,确定哪些学生可以获得紧急资助,以及他们将获得多少资助, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校为符合第四章(联邦援助)条件的学生创建了一个分配公式,该公式结合了教育部的指导方针, Pell Grant eligibility, and enrollment in the spring 2020 semester. Funding is based on need, as determined by the filed 2019-20 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). Students who did not file a FAFSA this year have until June 30, 2020, 以完成2019- 2020年的FAFSA计划,该计划将被考虑作为紧急拨款.

Eligible undergraduate students can receive up to $1,000. Eligible graduate students can receive up to $500. Nearly 1,200名学生有资格获得紧急补助金,只要提交符合条件的费用的《博彩平台推荐》申请. Qualifying expenses due to disruption include, but are not limited to: course materials, technology, food, housing, healthcare, child care, and transportation.

Emergency Grants under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act
Total Amount of Funds Received $1,723,598
Total Amount of Funds Distributed $1,723,598
Estimated Total Number of Eligible Students 1,258
Total Number of Students Who Have Received an Emergency Grant 983

Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

Originally posted on May 28, 2020
Updated on April 11, 2022
To be updated every 45 days thereafter

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